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Mi wyszło, że jestem z Neptuna (połowa rzeczy, oczywiście się nie zgadza).;x
A więc... Zaczynamy! ;)
a ja z Saturna..
Justyna you are from...

You are a rational person.
You have or will get a good education.
You like to communicate very much and would go nowhere without your cell-phone.
Mars. ;DD
You are very energetic with a high stamina, ambitious but also impulsive.
Your temper will make you aggressive at times.
Furthermore you like sports and practically all things where one can compete.
You are easily challenged by others.
Dominika you are from..
The Moon
You're an emotional person.
You have a need for security and are often reflecting on the past, especially on experiences in your early childhood.
Justyna you are from..
You're ambitious and have a great sense of duty, discipline and responsibility.
You like to plan things for the long-term well in advance.
You have no problems to endure physical and emotional hardships in achieving your (long-term) goals.
Kasia you are from.
You're an idealistic and compassionate person.
You tend to be very sensitive and have a great imagination.
You like arts and music.
Be careful with alcohol and drugs
Justyna you're from
You are a rational person.
You have or will get a good education.
You like to communicate very much and would go nowhere without your cell-phone.
Słońce ; o
Jestem z Neptuna : )
Jestem z Marsa .
You are very energetic with a high stamina, ambitious but also impulsive.
Your temper will make you aggressive at times.
Furthermore you like sports and practically all things where one can compete.
You are easily challenged by others.
Klaudia you are from..
You are very energetic with a high stamina, ambitious but also impulsive.
Your temper will make you aggressive at times.
Furthermore you like sports and practically all things where one can compete.
You are easily challenged by others.
Jestem z Saturna ;)
Kasia you are from..

You're ambitious and have a great sense of duty, discipline and responsibility.
You like to plan things for the long-term well in advance.
You have no problems to endure physical and emotional hardships in achieving your (long-term) goals.
You're an idealistic and compassionate person.
You tend to be very sensitive and have a great imagination.
You like arts and music.
Be careful with alcohol and drugs.
A ja pochodzę z Naboo, bo jestem najbościejsza. *_*
z Antaru! ^^
to się rozumie samo przez się.
You are very energetic with a high stamina, ambitious but also impulsive.
Your temper will make you aggressive at times.
Furthermore you like sports and practically all things where one can compete.
You are easily challenged by others.
część się zgadza.
Saturn ^^.
Saturn. xD
Mercury ; o
Saturn . xd
Justyna you are from..
Saturn. ;p
Saturn ;)
Ksiezyc xD
Neptun xD
Saturn xd
The Sun
You are a natural leader.
You're creative and spontaneous and people like to be around you.
You like to relax on holidays or to participate in social events.
Żaneta you are from..
You're ambitious and have a great sense of duty, discipline and responsibility.
You like to plan things for the long-term well in advance.
You have no problems to endure physical and emotional hardships in achieving your (long-term) goals.
taaaaa, średnio się zgadza ;)
Malia you are from..
The Sun
You are a natural leader.
You're creative and spontaneous and people like to be around you.
You like to relax on holidays or to participate in social events.
The Sun
You are a natural leader.
You're creative and spontaneous and people like to be around you.
You like to relax on holidays or to participate in social events.
Saturn, zgadza się tylko w części.
You are very energetic with a high stamina, ambitious but also impulsive.
Your temper will make you aggressive at times.
Furthermore you like sports and practically all things where one can compete.
You are easily challenged by others.