Tresc angielskiej czesci petycji:
Cossacks: Back to War" & GPL (en)
The community of players in "Cossacks back of war 1.35" it is not a group of 10-20 enthusiasts, but it is THOUSANDS of people, who are real fans of the game! We suggest you to familiarize with the projects created by modern «cossakers» movement, under these references: - Cossack league - Tournament Empire - Tournament in a day - site of one of the oldest cossackers clans - blog devoted to game Cossacks - Regular tournaments conducted by the western community
Besides, there are hundreds sites devoted to game, which you can familiarise here:
We address to you, the company who developed this game.
For the reason that you are not interested in the project "Cossacks again war" (the version: 1.35), we address to you with the request to make accessible to use not only the executed module of the program, but also an initial code of the program, if it is possible, i.e. to licence the given software product, for example, under licence GNU General Public License and thereby to open this code for us and other World. It is necessary for us for some reasons:
1) not to allow to die this project
2) to update various bugs and defects in game
3) to create new server and add them in game
4) to make changes to a code, for example, that it will be possible to disable some abilities in game: it is required for some specific nominations in our cyber-sports tournament LCN. For example, we need to disable increase range of fire of shooting unit when he stand on a hill, in specified nominations.
5) to have an opportunity to secure game from cheating, as a lot of time has passed since 2002 (release of this game), safety of this game is stand pat also league administration not in condition to completely keep an eye on all games in league, and meanwhile already known such cheats, as: the increase review of units, the components which are not belonging to the game, so-called macroses (autohotkey and similar to it), and, meanwhile, in more modern games combat with them!!! And it is only half the story...
6) Besides, it will allow to us not only to bring to perfection the version of Cossacks 1.35 and release patch, for example version 1.38, but also to continue working out of the given project. We want to do this product as our community want, not like developers of versions 1.36, 1.37 and "Cossacks 2". For example, to build in the module game of that you can see on this site:
7) to give the chance to adapt Cossacks of other OS (as Linux and Mac OS X) by means of open software product WINE, as now under these OS game either does not go at all, or works defectively. And at the best way, if enthusiasts will be ready to rewrite DirectX on OpenGL, then it will probably create ports for these OS! Thus, game becomes accessible to all users with different OS.
It is necessary not only to us, but also it will be advantageously to you! You can cover this event in a press and show that not only in the west can open an initial code of commercial games to the noncommercial organisations, and also to become the advanced company in this respect on space of the CIS. The most important thing that you do not need to put something and something to risk for this purpose. Simply give it to us an initial code of game under GNU GPL - and anything more.
We undertake to observe further an openness of a developed code and licence GNU GPL.
Idea zacna!
Temat na forum LCN.
O podobne prawa walczy siê w ramach Civilization 2. I z tego co wiem nie idzie im najlepiej ;/
Nie mówiê, ¿e nie by³oby to fajne, ale rzeczywi¶cie znajd± siê osoby, które bêd± chcia³y zmieniaæ silnik gry? Tworzyæ nowe modyfikacjê? Czy skoñczy siê w sumie na dodaniu paru jednostek do nacji, zmianie statystyk i koniec ;/
Bo autor/autorzy ankiety du¿o pisz±, ale warto siê zastanowiæ nad mo¿liwo¶ciami jakiejkolwiek zmiany w silniku gry. Co prawda Imperia jest chlubnym wyj±tkiem, ale podejrzewam, ¿e ma³o kto poza autorami rozumie jak to dzia³a :(
Nie mówiê, ¿e nie by³oby to fajne, ale rzeczywi¶cie znajd± siê osoby, które bêd± chcia³y zmieniaæ silnik gry? Tworzyæ nowe modyfikacjê?
Rosjanie tworzac nielegalna wersje gry 1.35a troche namieszali w kodzie gry, to samo tyczy sie 1.36. O 1.35a zreszta mowi sie, ze to cziterska wersja gry, wiec nie bedziemy im robic wiecej reklamy. :D
O Imperii juz wspomniales, ale w tej chwili niewiele osob w to grywa.
Bardzo mozliwe, ze chodzi tylko i wylacznie o to, aby sama gre Cossacks oraz nowsze wersje 1.35a, 1.36 moc rozprowadzac w internecie legalnie za darmo.
Ale sama idea jest ok, wiec nie widze problemu, aby poswiecic im kilkunastu sekund wpisujac swoje nazwisko do listy popierajacych petycje rosjan.